About CBC
Cognitive Behavioural Coaching (CBC) is a form of Life Coaching, where the ultimate goal is to train its users to become their own coach.
CBC achieves this by teaching its users to become self-reliant when it comes to identifying and dealing with problems in their lives — by developing problem-solving skills as well as helping them to identify and remove mental, emotional and behavioural blocks.
CBC is the most popular and effective form of Coaching used today and is structured on sound, evidence-based models that have been proven to work.
CBC provides a helping hand to better oneself by developing a practical set of steps, exercises, and techniques to follow. The people that practice CBC will become a better version of themselves, being more balanced, calm, rational, capable and not having their usual problems weighing on them, preventing their enjoyment of life.
The basics of CBC is learning to record your thoughts, look at them more realistically and then take control over them — ensuring that they work for you, instead of against you.
Our resident CBC expert, and practising Cognitive Behavioural Coach, employs the various CBC techniques that we use in our app with his clients and has seen them all work wonders.
Benefits of CBC
CBC teaches that everyone can be in control of their thoughts, and not the other way around
CBC helps its users to reach their goals, overcome problems and achieve their full potential
Enhances motivation
Boosts self-esteem
Improves problem-solving abilities
Creates meaningful emotional development
Raises EQ levels
Builds self-reliance and responsibility
Increases self-awareness
Easily implemented by kids
Cross-cultural — based on universal human nature and mental processes
Equally as effective through an app as it is dealing directly with a Coach
Focuses on the user’s goals and achievements, rather than conforming to another person’s idea of success
Highly adaptive — principles or ideas can be reshaped to suit all kinds of personalised, specific problems
Promotes positive thoughts and behaviours to the point where they become internalised as new habits
Cognitive Triangle
The core of Cognitive Behavioural Coaching holds that ‘Perception creates Reality.’
Or, put another way — how we view and think about the world directly affects how we feel and behave within it.
This is known as the Cognitive Triangle — where thoughts, feelings, and behaviours are interlinked and impact on one another. This means that one can change one’s feelings and behaviours by first examining and changing the instigating thoughts.
For example, if someone has an anxious thought, they will feel worried and behave nervously. But if that same person realises that they are experiencing an anxious thought and take steps to examine and then change it, they will feel calmer and act more rationally.
Here’s an example that many kids have faced: If they’re worried about failing a test, they will feel anxious and are then less likely to study effectively. This will lead to them doing badly in the test, which will make them worry about failing the next one. It’s a vicious cycle that causes a lot of pain and stress.
Captain Calm is here to help break that cycle.
The relationship between CBC and CBT
We here at Captain Calm are Life Coaches, experts in the field of Cognitive Behavioural Coaching. CBC is an adaptation of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), a form of traditional psychological therapy.
CBT is chiefly influenced by the work of Albert Ellis (Rational Emotive Behavioural Therapy) and Aaron Beck (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy) and is structured on evidence-based psychological research. Click here or here to be redirected to this research.
CBT has proven to be very effective and is the preferred method of dealing with many psychological problems or mental disorders. CBC, like its inspiration, CBT, hold that our internal thought processes affect (to one degree or another) on our feelings and behaviours. Most importantly, they state that our negative thought processes can be identified, monitored and changed to become more positive and less harmful.
CBC is highly influenced by the concepts and techniques of CBT, and they are similar in many ways. However, CBC is not meant to be used as traditional therapy. We here at Captain Calm certainly do not use it as a form of clinical therapy.
CBC focuses on its users achieving their personal empowerment goals and overcoming the common challenges of everyday life. This is as opposed to diagnosing and treating registered psychological disorders, which is the ultimate aim of CBT.
Cognitive Behavioural Coaching is more focused on guidance than therapy. That being said, CBC is still solution-focused, goal-orientated, child-friendly and chiefly concerned with achieving specific behavioural outcomes.
For more on the relationship between CBC and CBT, click here.