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The Power of Visualising - For performance worries

  • 8 Steps


The Power of Visualising Who needs this? • Kids who get nervous and worried when they have to perform in front of an audience at school, on stage, during a sporting event, or anywhere else. • If your nervousness and worrying gets so bad that freeze up and are unable to perform. • If you have a fear of failure that stops you from trying to achieve your goals. • Kids who are overly concerned about other people judging them. What you'll learn • The Power of Visualising – changing your thinking process seeing a successful outcome. • How to create a practise plan and increase your confidence for an upcoming performance. • How to overcome negative thoughts about the future and upcoming performances. • How to stop worrying about what other people think. • How to be more relaxed before, during and after your performance. What you get 1. Comic Teaches kids how to use the Power of Visualising. Parents and kids get the best results when they read the comic together. We recommend starting with the comic. 2. Tool - The Performance Planning and Practise Worksheet Proven to help kids rationalise their worries, visualise their ideal situation, and plan a practice routine to help them feel more confident. 3. Parent Guide Gives you a greater understanding of Performance Worries. Contains many additional tips and techniques that you can use to help your kids overcome their fears, and develop a healthier approach to performing.


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ZAR 100.00
4 Plans Available
From ZAR 250.00
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